Thursday, April 9, 2009

Umpires usually get it right

Unlike basketball, where the refs miss a ton of calls, baseball umpires are usually pretty close every time. I got to see a great game from Collins Hill and Mill Creek on Wednesday and there were a few plays in the game that I questioned. However, the umpire talked to me later and explained the rules and the calls and now I see where he was right on.
The first play I questioned was a play at the plate. The runner was clearly out but after the umpire was about to call the runner out, he ruled safe. All of us in the press box and the Collins Hill fans were wondering what is going on. Well here it is. The umpire saw the catcher bobble the ball and was in the kids way or what they call obstruction before he had control of the ball. Once he got control of it, yes the runner was out but you have to get control of it beforehand thus that allowed the next base which in this case was home plate. If you are in the line of the plate and get the ball and control it right into the mitt well yes you can block the plate but like I said, there was a slight hesitation or bobble and that allowed the runner to get that next base.
The other close call in the game came on a double play. It looked like a routine 6-4-3 or short to second to first double play but the runner was sliding into second and had his leg above the knee of the secondbaseman. The rule states your feet have to be down below the knees and at the bag. In pro or major league baseball you can slide outside of the base as long as your arm can grab the base. In high school baseball, you have to slide directly at the bag and with your feet down. That meant the runner going to first was safe.
So there are two rules we learned. Barnes and Noble has a ton of books on rules of the game. I think I am going to go check it out...Or I can maybe use google and find some here on the net.

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