Monday, June 15, 2009

25 year reunion brought back memories

Well I went to my 25 year high school reunion this past weekend and boy did it bring back memories. I saw a couple of guys that were on the basketball team. Steve Shulte and Steve Curl. Shulte sells prosthetics and Curl is a manager at Kroger. Both are around 6'6" and look like they can still play. The were absolutely awesome back in the day. They went to tiny Coker College in South Carolina. I had never heard of it until they decided to go. They also went with another Berkmar grad in Greg Dirst.
This college was a gateway for Berkmar. I was comparing these guys to some others from Gwinnett. They were good but when I see guys like Jon Nordin, Jon Griffiths, Brian Keickeisen, Yaw Gyawu, Major Wingate and some of these guys, I just have to say they got a little better now.
Yesterday the Lakers won with Kobe for the fourth time. People are comparing him to Michael Jordan. Well that is a different story but there is no comparison. Just like there is no comparison to the big guys of today in Gwinnett County. Look at Collins Hill. They had three players at 6'8, 6'9 and even 6'10". This team was huge. Look at Norcross in the past few years with Gani Lawal and Al Farouq Aminu. Plus Peachtree Ridge has had some major size. What are they feeding these guys. Meadowcreek had a kid that was 6'10 in Mark Veezy. These kids get scholarships to much bigger colleges than Coker. Nothing against Coker but in today's game, size matters. I believe the game is becoming a guard oriented game but you still need a big man for rebounding.
So when you see these teams during summer AAU games or beginning in late October, watch for the big man. If you are like me it will bring back memories of the day of Shulte and Curl.


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